Scrap metal recycling is hardly new. Finding new ways to recycle that metal and still make it useful is. Here are three uses for scrap metal that allow you to recycle it and make some money.
Sell Your Scrap Metal Recycling to Artists and Art Students
Believe it or not, metalworking is an art form, and artists will buy your scrap metal by the pound. You may even offer pounds of scrap metal to high schools and colleges, if they offer a metalworking art class to their students.…
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As a professional engineer, you’ve dedicated yourself to improving the country’s infrastructure, which is in need of major upgrades and new construction. In order to impact the regions that are in the most need of investment, you’ve taken on projects that are located in some dangerous and hard to reach spots.
You will need land surveying done before you begin on any project. A professional surveyor, like those at Great Lakes Engineering, will perform the necessary measuring and mapping of the landscape so you are aware of every square inch of the terrain before you begin.…
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Effective, compelling product packaging can mean success or failure in the marketplace. Creating unique, professional packaging is the job of industrial designers and graphic designers who spend years in design school and years watching design and fashion trends in order to catch a potential consumer’s eye. Whatever the product, there are a few design principles that are the basis of powerful packaging. In order to be successful, a product’s packaging, should have:…
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