When attempting your first aluminum sand casting, you must be careful when determining how you will design each piece. There are a few mistakes that can make a piece less economical, weaker or have less utility. This will lead to greater costs for your business overall.
Place Emphasis On Strength Over Mass
When building aluminum sand castings, it is a good idea to focus on building strength rather than building mass.…
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Your garage door may be the most overlooked item in your life. You never think about it until the day it will not work. However, a defective garage door is not just an inconvenience; it often means expensive repairs or even replacement. A broken garage door can even pose a safety hazard to you and your family . Although you cannot prevent all garage door problems, you can learn ways to protect your door and detect damage early.…
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In order to prevent equipment from wearing out prematurely and to prevent harm to the environment, you need to find ways to protect your equipment when processing corrosive materials. When choosing corrosion protection, you need to remember that it is not a one-size-fits-all process. Instead, you need to choose protection that meets your circumstances. The different materials your facility is made from as well as the way you use them can affect the performance of your corrosion protection.…
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